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Don Bosco Matadi - Monrovia

Home for the young


Dearest Friends,
the Holy Week celebrations immerse us in the mystery of God's love. Last year, the feasts of Easter coincided with the beginning of the spread of the Ebola virus in Liberia; this year we thank God for the victory over the contagious, at least here in Liberia.
 In the African culture, values like the welcoming  of those who come to visit us, solidarity and sharing with those in need, caring for the sick at home, ablution of the bodies of the dead and having at home for the funeral rites the body of the deceased, are very important. Unfortunately, precisely because of this, the Ebola virus has been able to spread and in some parts, like in Guinea, still manages to resist to all efforts and attempts to control its spreading. People is now talking about "post Ebola". Once the contagion has been stopped, we must restore the health sector. It was already weak and precarious before, Different health Centres and hospitals have been closed. Only in Sierra Leone more than 220 are the dead because of Ebola contagious among the health operators. In Liberia the Catholic hospital in the capital Monrovia, built and run by the congregation of St. John of God, is now opened a new, but only the maternity wing. 
Another category of person to care of is the one of the youngest. From the report of UNICEF we know that there are about 5,000 children among the 25,000 infected and 16,000 children have become orphans of their parents or lost the ones who were taking care of them. The boys and girls of the range of the school age are the ones who in a special way need attention. We have more than 200 requests for financial help from the families who have to pay school's fees for their children.
We are witnessing of a race of generosity among people who support us financially. It is important that the boys and girls go to school and complete their education instead than to remain on the roads.
To you all a big thank together with the best wishes for the Holy Easter. May the Lord give us the Holy Spirit, make us to experience His mercy that saves and gives us Life. 
In Don Bosco   
don Nicola Ciarapica         






29th March, 2015 by don Nicola Ciarapica





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